
Startup Name


Founding Year 2018
Founders David Pratim Gogoi, Mousum Talukdar, Rupam Choudhury
Business Category


Startup Stage

Early Stage Revenue

Support Required from The Nest

Mentoring, Market Connect, Fund

Investment Required

7, 00, 00, 000

Type of Entity

Pvt. Ltd.



Startup’s Objective

Zerund is committed to manufacturing eco-friendly, low-cost, sustainable building materials with an eye on providing best-in-class solutions and quality product and services for customers, and value growth for the stakeholders.

Market Need

The non-recyclable plastic waste is posing serious threat to the environment. The need of the hour is to find a way to recycle plastic waste. Secondly, the traditonal bricks are heavy weight and prone to cracks, especially during an earthquake.

Product/Service description

Zerund has innovated lightweight, plastic-embedded bricks available at prices 15-20% lower than that of the regular bricks available in the market. They have designed a 3-process machine that shreds waste plastics into microbeads which are used in the brick making mixture. Use of plastic augments the tensile strength of the bricks and also shores up resistance to water absorption, thereby dismantling any possibility of dampness in the constructions.

Customers/Users Apart from the individual customers with home-building aspirations, the startup is also completeing orders from builders and distributors.
Revenue Model

Zerund keeps a 20-25% margin on brick selling. Besides, they have been integrating and accelerating the existing brick plants under the brand name of Zerund. The startup is currently working on franchising the technology over the next few months.

Current Traction

The startup has done sales of around Rs. 32 Lakhs within the very first 7 months of starting the business, with a customer base of 12 active builders and developers and 32 individual customers.