MB Production

Startup Name

MB Production

Founding Year 2018
Founders Lakshmi Chhanya Deka, Krishna Boro, Manas Roy
Business Category

Fashion & Entertainment

Startup Stage

Early Stage Revenue

Support Required from The Nest

Fund, Mentoring

Investment Required

20, 00, 000

Type of Entity

Non-Registered Partnership



Startup’s Objective

The startup focuses on tapping the real talents from lower middle class section in Assam, irrespective of gender, size, age, caste and religion.

Market Need

The fashion industry is particularly ridden by biases regarding height, weight, age and even the economic background. A fashion grooming usually costs a fortune that hinders girls and boys from the weaker economic strata to enrol into a grooming session. As such, most often than not, this section of people, despite having potential, are barred from the opportunities to hone their talent and shine in the fashion industry.

Product/Service description

MB Production offers complete grooming and publicity solutions to the aspiring models, fashion photographers, fashion designers, makeup artists and event managers at prices that can be easily afforded by the marginalized section of people in the society.

Customers/Users The startup’s customer base includes fashion enthusiasts and aspiring models, photographers, designers, makeup artists, hair stylists and event managers.  
Revenue Model

The startup keeps a profit margin of 40-60% from every workshop, grooming session, photoshoot and fashion event conducted.

Current Traction

The startup has, till now, worked with 100 models, 15 photographers, 50 makeup artists and 20 hairstylists. It has participated in a number of fashion shows, including Pinkvilla and Bangalore Fashion Week. It also has some more fashion shows, print and digital magazine shoots and brandshoots in the pipeline.