
Startup Name


Founding Year

not yet

Business Category

Fish Cultivation

Startup Stage


Type of Entity




Startup’s Objective

Jolkuwari strives to introduce biofloc technology in Assam and train the farmers free of cost so that they can reap optimum benefits from it.

Market Need

In a chemical-laden world, the need for fresh fish is increasing day by day, specially the local varieties like catfish, etc. The quality of fish is often quenstionable while being exorbitantly priced. People are afraid to buy cat fish at Rs.800/kg as there is always a probability that the variety is not local.
Other bothersome factors are unemployment and lack of knowledge in agripreunership.

Product/Service description

Jolkuwori is introducing biofloc technology, providing free training to farmers, and consolidating themselves as the one-stop solution for fish farming.


Fishermen Fisheries Fish Cultivators

Revenue Model

The startup earns through the sale of technology setups. Initially, they plan to go with 10 setups for production with minimum tank capacity of 3000 kgs.

Current Traction

The startup has successfully completed the research with satisfied results.
The startup is also ready with the supply chain. They have received orders for 50+ setups till now.


Partha Protim Goswami, Dipankar Kashyap