Agrithink  Services LLP

Startup Name

Agrithink Services LLP

Founding Year


Business Category


Startup Stage

Early Stage Traction

Type of Entity



Startup’s Objective

The startup strives to bring ICT innovations in Agriculture and Allied Sectors for sustainable development.

Market Need

There is a need to monitor and control the micro climate parameters and provide affordable high-tech solutions for farmers, producers, and entrepreneurs.

Product/Service description

Agrithink Services provides Smart Micro Climate Monitoring & Controlling System (Patent pending), Smart Soil Health Management System (Upcoming), and Live and In-field Expert Service/Consultancy concerning agriculture and all its allied sectors.


State Governments’ agri clusters. Government schemes for agriculture and allied sectors. Green houses. Tea processing units. Fishery. Poultry. Hatchery. Agri-processing units.

Revenue Model

The startup is focussing on B2C, B2B, and B2G models. For the B2C customers, i.e. the farmers, they have developed a Village or Gaon Panchayat based Micro Enterprise hub and spoke model. They plan to set up Soil Health Management Unit in each of these Gaon Panchayats and train local unemployed youths to administer the Unit. They plan to create two models – (i) Subscription-based model where each farmer would register one-time and pay a fixed amount as subscription fee. Regular services like soil testing, expert support, etc. will be given to the subscribed farmers at a nominal price. (ii) The second model is for stand-alone services, where a non-subscriber farmer can avail the services each time by paying a fee per service.

Under the B2B and B2G category, the startup targets tea gardens and Green Houses. The startup plans to provide customised services as per their need. They are also planning to tie-up with State and Central governments to provide services under various schemes.

Current Traction

The startup has succesfully validated sales of one unit in Hajo (B2B) and also installed 2 units till date. Installations in the green house of Govt. of Sikkim (B2G pilot) and a few fisheries in Assam (B2C) are in pipeline.


Dr. Bijaylakshmi Goswami Taufik Ahmed